Hudson Taylor
戴德生 James Hudson Taylor | |
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出生 | 1832年5月21日 英格兰約克郡班斯萊鎮 Barnsley, Yorkshire, England |
逝世 | 1905年6月3日 享年73歲 大清帝國湖南省长沙县 |
教育程度 | 英國皇家外科學院 Royal College of Surgeons of England |
头衔 | MRCS (Membership of the Royal College of Surgeons) FRGS (Fellowship of the Royal Geographical Society) |
父母 | 戴雅各 (James Taylor) 賀美亞(Amelia Hudson) |
配偶 | 瑪麗亞(Maria Jane Taylor) 珍妮富丁(Jennie Faulding Taylor) |
戴德生(英語:James Hudson Taylor,1832年5月21日-1905年6月3日),英國基督教新教來華傳教士,中國內地會(今海外基督使團)創辦人。戴德生在華51年。他創立的差會(傳道會)差派了超過800名傳教士及建立了125間學校[1],並在中國帶領一萬八千人歸信基督教,在十八省成立了三百多所由五百多位本地助理參與的傳教站(stations of work)[2]。
戴德生以他對中國文化的敏銳,對傳教的熱忱而聞名。他也在只有很少的傳教士穿唐裝的時代已穿起中國服裝。在他領導下,內地會成為一個突出的非宗派差會,從所有基督教團體和勞工階層、單身女性、不同國籍的個人吸納成員。由於內地會的反鴉片貿易運動,戴德生被西方視為19世紀以來最矚目的來華歐洲人[3]。歷史學者禢嘉路得(Ruth Tucker)總結其一生[4]:
戴德生(英語:James Hudson Taylor,1832年5月21日-1905年6月3日),英國基督教新教來華傳教士,中國內地會(今海外基督使團)創辦人。戴德生在華51年。他創立的差會(傳道會)差派了超過800名傳教士及建立了125間學校[1],並在中國帶領一萬八千人歸信基督教,在十八省成立了三百多所由五百多位本地助理參與的傳教站(stations of work)[2]。
戴德生以他對中國文化的敏銳,對傳教的熱忱而聞名。他也在只有很少的傳教士穿唐裝的時代已穿起中國服裝。在他領導下,內地會成為一個突出的非宗派差會,從所有基督教團體和勞工階層、單身女性、不同國籍的個人吸納成員。由於內地會的反鴉片貿易運動,戴德生被西方視為19世紀以來最矚目的來華歐洲人[3]。歷史學者禢嘉路得(Ruth Tucker)總結其一生[4]:
”电影的戴德生 《中国的传教士》Hudson Taylor Missionay of China 3gp
Hudson Taylor
James Hudson Taylor (Chinese:
戴德生) (21 May 1832 – 3 June 1905) was a
British Protestant Christian missionary
to China and founder of the China
Inland Mission (CIM) (now OMF International). Taylor spent 51 years in
China. The society that he began was responsible for bringing over 800
missionaries to the country who began 125 schools[1] and directly resulted in 18,000 Christian conversions, as well as the
establishment of more than 300 stations of work with more than 500 local
helpers in all eighteen provinces.[2]
Taylor was known for his sensitivity to Chinese culture and zeal for evangelism. He adopted wearing native Chinese clothing even though this was rare among missionaries of that time. Under his leadership, the CIM was singularly non-denominational in practice and accepted members from all Protestant groups, including individuals from the working class and single women as well as multinational recruits. Primarily because of the CIM's campaign against the Opium trade, Taylor has been referred to as one of the most significant Europeans to visit China in the 19th Century.[3] Historian Ruth Tucker summarises the theme of his life:
No other missionary in the nineteen centuries since the Apostle Paul has had a wider vision and has carried out a more systematised plan of evangelising a broad geographical area than Hudson Taylor.[4]
Taylor was able to preach in several varieties of Chinese, including Mandarin, Chaozhou, and the Wu dialects of Shanghai and Ningbo. The last of these he knew well enough to help prepare a colloquial edition of the New Testament written in it.
Hudson Taylor Missionary in China ( Movie in English)
HUDSON TAYLOR Um Missionário na China Português YouTube
Taylor era conhecido por sua sensibilidade à cultura chinesa e zelo pelo evangelismo. Ele adotou a prática de usar roupas nativas da China mesmo quando isso era raro entre os missionários da época. Sob a sua liderança, a CIM era singularmente não-denominacional na prática e aceitava membros de todos os grupos Protestantes, incluindo indivíduos da classe de trabalho, mulheres solteiras e recrutas multinacionais, também. Primeiramente por causa da campanha do CIM contra o comércio do Ópio, Taylor foi citado como um dos Europeus mais significantes a visitar a China no Século XIX.[3] O Historiador Ruth Tucker sumariza o tema de sua vida:
“ | Nenhum outro missionário nos dezenove séculos desde o apóstolo Paulo teve uma visão mais ampla e usou um plano mais sistematizado para evangelizar uma grande área geográfica como Hudson Taylor.[4] | ” |
中国的传教士戴德生- Hudson Taylor- Cantonese - 电影广东话
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